O is for Orange & Chocolate Muffins, Other Folks’ Baking, and Ouches…

Oh hello there! I almost didn’t see you come in, as I was leafing through the spam comments on my sports blog and picking out positive quotes I can use on my CV. Apparently, my posts are “very smartly written”, and I impressed one DNA testing salesman so much that they “will make sure to do not overlook this web site and provides it a glance on a relentless basis”. That’s one for the book cover. Anyway, let’s crack on with the letter ‘O’! ‘O’ is for ‘Orange’!  Read more…

N is for Nutmeg + Walnut Brownies, Non-Apologies, and Not Having Done One of These For A While

Before you say anything, it’s only been nine months. On the one hand, that is enough time to gestate a human being or, apparently, build a replica of the Sagrada Familia out of toothpicks. But then again, nine’s quite a small number, especially compared to other numbers such as ‘forty-eight’ and ‘seven-hundred-and-four’. This is all to say there will be no apology for the extended break, but I’m back now so let’s talk baking! With N! Read more…

M is for Millionaires’ Shortbread, Macaron avoidance, and Multiple nomenclatural theories…

Before we even start, I can hear your shrill and anxious yelping. “This is M, so why aren’t you making macarons? They’re the hot new baked good this season, yeah? Are you seriously telling me that your pointless cookery website isn’t going to accept the prevailing notion that twee French things are inherently brilliant?” And to your yelp, I reply “no” and point out that it’s ‘macaroon’. I will mention them in passing though, so look out for that. Read more…

L is for Lemon Meringue Pies, Lengthy Absences, and Laziness…

Hello again. Sorry to have kept you waiting for… how long is it now… 14 WEEKS? Whoops. Sorry ’bout that, but I do have some excuses for the lay-off. We’ll get to those in a bit, but first thing’s first – we’re up to L. Generally speaking, when it comes to baking L is for Lemon. If it isn’t Lemon it’s Lime, Lemon’s stockier but less-acerbic cousin. Lime is Obelix to Lemon’s Asterix, and if you don’t get that reference then go away, do some research, then come back.

OK, we all good? Right, so, Lemon Meringue Pie.  Read more…

K is for Kumquat Cake, Kinetic Typography, and Knitting…

K is for Kumquat but because, if memory serves me right, L is coming up fairly shortly, I’ve not gone too heavy on the citrus. Citrus belongs to the L-to-O section of the alphabet, and that’s one literary-culinary coincidence that I won’t mess with. Also, this has given me a chance to make a variant on Carrot Cake, which I missed first time round. So K, but also kind of C, which I think is fine; they don’t look the same, but they sound the same…  Read more…

J is for Jam Roly-Poly, Jettisoning meat, and Justifying the consequences…

Having left you with one old English battle-axe of a pud, J brings up the Jam Roly-Poly, a dessert often remembered for money by pundits nostalgic about memories of school dinners they never ate in the first place.  Read more…

I is for Iced Buns, Illness, Inactivity, and International Relations…

First of all, apologies for the lack of blogging recently. A number of reasons for this; 1) laziness, 2) only having ingredients when I don’t have time to make anything and vice-versa, and 3) a nasty flu/cold that left me feeling like someone had tried to stuff my nose, ears and throat with stuff. Back now though, with some tasty goodies, clear sinuses, and some slightly better quality photography.  Read more…

H is for Honey Pecan and Ale Muffins, Have-a-go heroes, and a brief History of the last month…

H was one of the letters that, from the outset, was sorted but at the same time not, if that makes sense. There wasn’t a recipe in mind, or even an idea, but just some thing that would hopefully become clear later on. ‘What will you do for H?’ ‘Hmm… some thing with honey in it.’ How the ‘some thing’ ended up as cake with beer in it I will explain shortly. Also, if you haven’t been watching MasterChef then some of this will go right over your head. Trust me though, it’s dynamite material. Read more…

G is for Gateaux (Mini), Getting Ahead of Yourself, and Going Overboard With the Whisk

G is the first letter which I’ve fudged a little bit, as you’ll see from the title. However, this is all OK, for 2 key reasons; 1) A gateau is an actual thing which has been made in the past, and therefore not a cheat. The unwritten rules of this blog allow for this kind of linguistic jiggery-pokery. And 2) Those rules are unwritten. And I (un)wrote them. If I wanted I could make a sandwich, stick a Glace Cherry on the top, and call it ‘Glace Cherry atop a Cheese Sandwich’. It would be cheating, but I think I’d be able to ask myself for leniency.

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F is for Fudge Doughnuts, Facebooking, and Following (Fatally Flawed) Instructions

F is, incredibly, the first fruitless letter of this baking adventure. That’s right, up to this point we’ve been getting in at least one of our five-a-day. Healthy! I don’t care what your doctor says, jam counts as fruit. Has fruit in, therefore it counts. Anyway, let’s cook unhealthy but tasty things!  Read more…